Hi. It's been a while...
[Netbaby world](http://www.netbabyworld.com/) has launched a new game.
[Habbo Hotel](http://www.habbohotel.com/) is finally open.
Swedish hunters are [searching for nessie](http://thescotsman.co.uk/scotland.cfm?id=66496) [via suzanne]
[Webbies nominations](http://www.webbies.com/nominees/index.html) are out (once again, i was not nominated. they must have forgotten).
I want to [buy a submarine](http://www.gadgetmasters.com/cgi-bin/azx/more.pl?ID=16&SID=12&PAGE=PRODUCT) [via sal]
[The greatest](http://www.iamcal.com/ami/index.php?site=prime) am i this site ever?
[The greatest amazon review](http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0670672238) ever? (read the first review of the book).
I need [this monitor](http://www.panoramtech.com/products.htm).
Sal lives near a [fudge factory](http://calicocottage.com/consultants.htm). I am officially jealous.
To replace geekcode, we now have [Perl Geek Code]( Excellent! (grab mine [here](http://www.iamcal.com/about.php)).
The cafe next door to our office has (for no apparent reason) stopped taking cash and will only accept 'charge cards' which can be charged using little machines next to the cafe. So i went in yesterday to buy a coke, armed with my card (as yet uncharged) and some cash to charge it with. It turns out that although the cafe is open all day saturady, the charge machines only operate on week days. So i had to pay in cash and the woman behind the counter had to go upstairs to get me my change. System stupidity factor: 10/10.
The excellent Orion at [Introspect](http://www.introspectsoftware.com/) has created the [eBusCard](http://www.ebuscard.com), a windows business-card application. Grab mine [here](http://www.iamcal.com/files/iamcal.exe)
[IMPS](http://rf.cx/rfc2795.html) is a standard everyone should adhere to.
If you're interested in memetics, and have a few hours/days spare, read the [pinata manifesto](http://www.bethroberts.com/pinata/).