21st June, 11:10 am Jun 21st

Stolen from bridget who stole it from derek. But it's so appropriate.From the "meanwhile" section on wired news:

Goldfish are generally thought of as hassle-free pets. The bowls in which they live, however, can be potent weapons. In Britain, 26 people ended up in the hospital after a goldfish bowl set fire to a garden shed. It appears the bowl acted as a magnifying glass. Sunrays entered the shed where the goldfish were kept and passed through the glass bowl, which concentrated the light, then entered a second shed causing a blaze to start. Chemicals stored in the shed gave off noxious fumes when firemen dampened them. Eighteen firefighters, four paramedics and four neighbors were taken to an Oxford hospital where they were treated for vomiting, nausea and burning chest sensations. The goldfish did not survive the conflagration. Might be a good idea to take care where you put the fish bowl next time. [via Suzanne]

Got this great 404 screen last week from someone at oh-eight, but forgot to post it.

Copying an idea from both paul and meg (though, of course, i first posted my desk last year), here is an annotated view of my desk.

After over 600 votes on the naked blogger poll, the poll system has now been updated to show choices ranked by order on the results page.

Go check out orb8. I demand it.

I just love this story: The origin of foad.org

Finally, i have some spaceEver wanted to put your current desktop on your site/blog? I know i haven't. But if you did, this little application will grab your current desktop, resize it and save it as either a jaypeg or a GIF. and it'll do it every 60 seconds. or whenever you tell it do. neat huh? still in beta, so YMMV. feedback would be appriciated.

stuff it does:

  • captures current screen view
  • box filter resampling to keep it pretty at low sizes
  • GIF or Jaypeg output
  • minimizes to the system tray (so you can ignore it)
  • uses a low priority thread (so wont hang your other apps)
  • customisable capture interval (plus manual capture)

you can get it here:


This was posted on Thursday 21st June, 2001 at 11:10 am Pacific.

Read more posts from June 2001.


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