11th September, 9:51 am Sep 11th

My and Jen's running commentry of the days events:

Session Start (ICQ - 43903925:Jen): Tue Sep 11 14:49:39 2001 [14:49] Jen: did you see the enws [14:49] cal: yup. two planes into the WTC and one into the pentagon [14:50] cal: www.iamcal.com [14:54] cal: fuck me - 7 hijacked [14:54] Jen: really

[14:56] cal: through reuters [14:57] Jen: Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)`

[14:57] cal: Rumours now
of a 3rd on it's way to the trade center [15:00] cal: WTC is collapsing [15:02] Jen: friend in Alabama said second tower collapsed [15:03] cal: 3rd plane hit NYC? [15:03] Jen: apparen tly [15:04] Jen: Matt: (3:02 PM) Apparently US intelligence was getting reports that something was going to happen, but they didn't know what.

[15:04] cal: this is BIG [15:06] cal: reuter rumor: 11 planes have gone missing [15:07] Jen: Nightmare. shit i have to go on another puer. [15:07] cal: oki [15:07] Jen: will leave my mssg window open [15:07] Jen: let me know [15:07] cal: ok [15:12] cal: 5 planes so far (3 into wtc, 2 into pentagon) [15:17] cal: fuck. explosion on capitoll hill [15:17] cal: bomb? [15:27] cal: car bomb at capitol hill [15:27] cal: second tower goes down via a bomb [15:30] Jen: another plane on the way to Washinton [15:31] cal: yup [15:32] cal: they are going to shoot it down... [15:37] cal: warning from osma bin laden last friday [15:39] cal: another planes crashed into pittsburgh [15:40] cal: Reports that part of the Pentagon has collapsed.

[15:40] cal: Confirmed
Plane crash 80 miles SE of Pittsburgh

[15:40] Jen: was that hte one they shot down ? [15:40] cal: not sure. [15:43] cal: all news sites still down [15:43] cal: Plane crash in Pennsylvania [15:44] cal: London Stock Exchange evacuated ... All London flights cancelled [15:44] cal: Pentagon on fire after third attack

[16:18] cal: plane shot down en route to europe [16:18] Jen: really [16:19] cal: via AP i think [16:19] Jen: AP ? [16:20] cal: associated press [16:20] Jen: cant get any sites [16:20] cal: The Foreign Office issued an emergency number - 020 7008 0000 - for anyone worried about relatives in America. [16:20] Jen: damn [16:21] cal: http://www.guardian.co.uk [16:21] Jen: my boss's 3 cousins work in the WTC :( [16:21] Jen: just gave them the number thanks [16:22] cal: the whole thing has collapsed [16:23] cal: burning people jumping from the building (msnbc/5news) [16:23] cal: Bomb in school (NBC rumor) [16:25] Jen: where [16:25] cal: no news yet... [16:25] cal: US [16:30] cal: pittsburgh crash confirmed. 80 miles out of DC [16:30] Jen: saw that [16:30] cal: American Airlines confim they lost two fully laden planes [16:30] Jen: http://www.superhyperdemonchild.com/ [16:31] cal: at least one was a 767 - other was a jumbo? [16:31] Jen: 737 [16:31] Jen: Heathrow being evac. [16:32] cal: loads of places evac'd [16:32] Jen: meant to go to teh theater today haha

[16:33] Jen: SHIT SHIT SHIT [16:33] Jen: My friend David is in the Air Force, has been called up. [16:33] cal: oh [16:33] Jen: In the UK [16:34] cal: oh wow [16:34] Jen: My sis just called, i s watching CNN, apparently Bush can now declare war [16:35] cal: against who though? [16:35] Jen: Well quite [16:35] Jen: Would only take a Cessna and a bundle of Semtex to blow up Palestine [16:36] Jen: "Several aircraft are still unaccounted for" [16:36] cal: if it's the afgenistans, where do russia sit on the issue? [16:36] Jen: It is the Palestinians [16:36] Jen: Democratic (!!) something of Palestine [16:37] cal: ITV News report Taleban about to hold Press Conference
...suggestion is that perhaps Taliban are going to give up Bin Laden to prevent a US attack on Afganistan.

[16:37] Jen: GOod. [16:38] Jen: Freind Will is called up too (Army)

[16:42] cal: WORLD TRADE CENTRE CASUALTIES IN THOUSANDS - CNBC [16:43] cal: USA at Threatcon Delta [16:45] cal: World Trade Centers collapse after planes hit, 10,000 emergency workers head to scene [16:45] Jen: Jesus [16:46] Jen: Its liek a bad movie [16:46] cal: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta was evacuated. CDC was preparing bioterrorism teams in case they become necessary. [17:01] Jen: thank god, my boss's cousins are ok - all were off sick or late! [17:01] cal: thank god! [17:03] cal: 2 planes have hit the pentagon (+ a car bomb) [17:04] Jen: Am looking for Chicago news, [17:04] cal: ok [17:04] cal: American, United both confirm losing two planes each [17:07] Jen: what was the Foreign Office n [17:08] Jen: what was the Foreign Office n [17:08] cal: 020 7008 0000 [17:08] cal: that one? [17:08] cal: US Navy subs and SAC at DefCon2 [17:09] Jen: And the UK Air Force and Army on full alert. [17:09] cal: amber alert (one down from red) [17:09] Jen: Friends in the Army [17:14] cal: summary just in: bothe WTC towers are gone, according to news reports lower manhattan
looks like a bomb site (think Dresden in WW2)
a third plane plowed into the pentagon
a fourth plane crashed into or near (not clear yet) camp David
a fifth plane that was hijacked from newark crashed in pittsburgh, no
other news yet
all air trafiic here and now in Canada completely shut down
all lower manhattan, women and children first, is being evacuated
all bridges tunnels and roads into and out of NYC are completely shut
down (please keep me posted on sue and matthew!!!)
we have heard nothing here about london, please keep me posted
we've just heard that 8 planes in all have been hijacked four are still
unaccounted for and the president has ordered the air force out on
battle alert. they're going to search out any planes still in flight
and shoot them down on sight--no questions asked. [17:14] cal: Shanksville, Somerset County
4th Plane Crash. source: BBC [17:15] Jen: jeesz [17:17] cal: Market report
FTSE down to 4746.which is lowest for three years.
All except BP, Shell and BAE down. BA down by 21% Hotels down by c. 20%. Insurers down over 10%
Oil prices and dollar up sharply.
Buy Oil co's if you have the nerve.

[17:17] cal: pentagon hit
was by a small commuter plane,according to eye witness [17:17] cal: 737 at 69 tons with fuel at 500 mph into a building
small plane but...

[17:18] Jen: Shit I wish i was working on this puter [17:18] Jen: have to go work on another [17:18] Jen: boss getting antsy

[17:18] cal: ok [17:18] Jen: keep it coming [17:18] Jen: will be coming back

[17:18] cal: will do [17:18] cal: Afghanistan deny Bin Laden role- BBC [17:18] Jen: esp if you hear anything about Chicago

[17:19] cal: ok [17:19] Jen: ta [17:19] cal: AP- 1 side of Pentagon collapsed

[17:24] cal: Israel evacuates embassies
Non-essential NATO employees asked to leave Brussels HQ
Taliban issues statement to tell U.S. 'Afghanistan feels your pain'

[17:26] Jen: Fucking Taliban [17:26] Jen: Fucking Taliban [17:26] cal: ! [17:27] Jen: Lock up their women and send planes into building. [17:27] cal: exactly [17:28] Jen: They should be tied tot eh runway and aimed at by a plane [17:28] cal: sounds good [17:29] cal: BBC has reported again
that Boston to LA flight is still missing, and have no idea where it is

[17:30] cal: NYC centre
for co-ordinating disaster/terrorist attack response etc was located in...WTC [17:45] cal: from an eyewitness: unbelievable. i saw it 2 minutes after the first plane hit, walking to
school to teach a class. i'm right in the neighbourhood. the streets are
full of people, some of them covered with dust from being downtown. cell
phones are out. classes are cancelled. it's surreal. the sky line has
changed. the towers are just gone. i don't know what the loss of life is
yet. people are crying in the street.

[17:45] Jen: Australia has closed all airports [17:45] cal: as has canada [17:45] cal: mexico closed it's borders [17:46] Jen: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/mmedia/webcams/eyeondc.htm [17:46] cal: ta [17:49] cal: Lots of cops
Pulling up outside NY Times office, Paris now. [17:50] cal: Australian PM
John Howard is staying the US, he is being moved from his hotel nr the white house [17:50] Jen: All the theatres in London are closed [17:50] cal: :( Session Close (Jen): Tue Sep 11 17:54:27 2001

This was posted on Tuesday 11th September, 2001 at 9:51 am Pacific.

Read more posts from September 2001.


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