I had a birthday, went on holiday and did some exams, but now i'm back. Did you miss me? Really?
I've voted in the bloggies. Have you? Actually, why bother voting. Me, sul and chris haven't even been nominated! Which is silly because chris has even redesigned.
Get ordained online. It's free, easy and you can officiate wedding ceremonys!
Tom has redesigned plasticbag.org
Thanks to the people at [b3ta](http://www.b3ta.com/board/archive/232/#post17638), specifically Mortimer Jazz.
Am I This Or Not has been reprogrammed slightly, to show images in a random order and show you results afterwards. It's still full of porn though.
An animation by george bush. [via tom]
I am a Breakout Bat. Thanks [sul](http://www.sulsplace.com).
An amendum to the two cows explanation, sent to me via email (from a canadian):
A CANADIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. The government intervenes to subsidize, monitor, regulate, allocate, and promote the production of the milk.