User profiles on iamcal just got better. You can now have a link to your website, show your email address and have a picture of yourself. great huh? click here to update your profile. I've kindly added sul's picture to his profile so you can all see him.
From the book of stupid quizes: which Radiohead album am i?
Look at this collection of classic new media client quotes. Most show client stupidity, but some, like this one, show that new media designers can be idiots too. Why don't you remove the button?
The iamcal network has a new design. woo. also, you might notice that this site has new boxes down the left. well, there you go.
i was just beating off to some lesbian porn on my comp... any [story]( that starts like that has got to be funny. [via [sul](]
How did sul fail to tell me about this!? Lord of the rings in lego.
Ever wondered what a list of all the links ever on would look like? Quite like this i suspect.