Now you too can turn your site into a blog like luke's, thanks to pt's fezzer.
Both my mum and davo think i've lost weight. I certainly haven't been eating healthily. What else make you lose weight?
Ever wondered what country has .et domains? What about .mm? Well wonder no longer. You can find them all here.
Following this months theme of strange online comics: wigu
A word processor in flash? sure. Which lets you write on the back of an envelope? great.
The sprawling iamcal network has relocated from the server run by top sysadmin ste. It's served the iamcal network well, but we've outgrown it's bandwidth so we've moved to the lovely pair.
The bandwidth issues we've encoutered are best illustrated by this post on b3ta.
Vintage from august 2000 presents: the best graphics card ever!
ftrain talks about google [via tom]
The designers republic have opened their online shop. i want to 2x22m banner set...
Have you ever recieved spam from a company called traffic magnet? It's quite cool because they include a screen grab of your site in the body of the email. What's really cool, is that i got one from them that looked like this.