after effects can be a little unstable
after effects can be a little unstable
pro-tip for working with scenes in flash CS3 (not needed in CS4). you have to have something on the timeline (even an empty comment will work) for the scenes to be accessible at run time (from a wrapper swf). otherwise scenes.length will always be 1 and the scenes wont have any names. thanks to lapsus bloggus for being the only person of the web to figure it out and talk about it
sometimes, ruby makes me sad
windows installer is so stupid and broken that ms have to release the "windows installer cleanup utility". ffs
outlook express has been forever broken for multipart/signed messages (the text portion is never inlined, so the message appears blank). is there a way to fix this?
ie still hasn't fixed this dumb css borders bug (was evident on lea's site). grr. hurry up with ie7 already.
"Looking for good things about you is like looking for a needle, in a pile of needles, on Planet Needle." not the best pickup line ever, but easily transferable to other more useulf situations - "looking for bugs in flickr, etc etc".
a nasty four year old bug in firefox is stopping some large corps from using it. ouch! sort out your priorities guys.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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