i just finished up my latest wow-related project - insanity tracker. check out how many people have earned 'The Insane', and some stats about it.
i just finished up my latest wow-related project - insanity tracker. check out how many people have earned 'The Insane', and some stats about it.
john resig is a fucking genius. you can check some of jared's stuff out too. you'll need a super-recent browser though
i'm losing my faith in the sanity of users. note-tastic
"beedogs is the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes". seriously
edmonton's john de ruiter is completely fucking insane
paul ford has gone insane, but in a good way [via pb]
samsung introduce a 7 mega pixel cameraphone. wtf. it's more like a full-on digital camera with a built-in phone. the lens is huge. but still.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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