nerd merit badges is a cool idea, but they need more. many more
nerd merit badges is a cool idea, but they need more. many more
i think i need to get a sheet of these to facilitate some smack downs
nerdery: ISO 7810 is the standard for bank cards, passports and SIM cards
some guys i know had some DNS issues when they switched servers. turns out you need to open port 53 for TCP aswell as UDP. who knew? some details here
some of the slightly less well known http responses [via myles]
halo 3 laser quest? that is seriously awesome [via jess i think] has the best unicode codepoint reference docs i've seen [via ph]
ooh - califonia extreme is on saturday and sunday. might head down there with the visiting tom [via baio]
nerd distractions - a conversation in comments between warren ellis and joss whedon
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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