blogging this link so i don't lose it - yahoo's ridiculous mission statement which came into being while i was there
blogging this link so i don't lose it - yahoo's ridiculous mission statement which came into being while i was there
yahoo answers has fulfilled it's purpose
the mothership are teaming up with sixapart to do hosted mt blogs - i wonder if they're using static or dynamic page generation...
why isn't the y! cafe open for dinner on fridays? do they not expect people to work on fridays?
mike b pointed me to this bizarre article from IBM's daniel sabbah describes lamp as "going to have to grow up at some point". err, right. because lamp clearly doesn't scale. it's not like the biggest websites in the world use it. ryan tomayko's response is on the mark.
yadis is live journal's new distributed authentication procotol. we're talking about redoing the flickr auth api internally to gel with the yahoo SSO stuff and to allow non-web apps to authenticate, but are still talking design.
i've found my favorite page on yahoo - last updated in 2002, times new roman, ugly as sin - and linked from 360. eek!
yahoo have opened up access to public apis. copycats
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