Posts tagged blog

6th November, 10:31 pm

i just pushed out a big update to london bloggers - the first since i started it in 2002. the full source is on github

16th June, 10:02 am

three frames is wonderful, if you can get past the epilepsy

12th June, 6:33 pm

my milk toof is doing the rounds. cute

27th May, 7:39 pm

tiny art director is great - make sure you start at the bottom

9th October, 12:15 pm

today is the greatest day in the history of the internet

7th October, 4:14 pm

uncov is coming back

24th September, 1:33 pm

"No gradients were used in the production of this site."

24th September, 11:20 am

this is cool - someone used the london bloggers directory to create a london blog search. neat!

26th June, 4:35 pm

the beeb describes kottke as being "peppered with annoying links". nice

30th April, 3:56 pm

candyblog is awesome - i'm considering doing something along those lines myself.

7th January, 12:41 am

audioscrobbler's web services offerings are looking a lot more comprehensive these days. need to hook up the media page at some point soon.

17th October, 9:46 am

jakob's hardly known for espousing sensible viewpoints, but his latest alert box is bordering on stupidity. some of the top 10 design mistakes for weblogs, he claims, are not publishing on a set schedule, writing about more than one topic, or having a blogspot/lj/typad/ blog without your own domain name. right, because having your own domain name somehow makes your blog better.

2nd October, 12:29 am

a good collection of treo tips, including the warm-reset without loading extensions to get around the reset loop.

27th April, 2:02 pm

lea points out that kevin smith now has a blog. does anyone not have one these days?

30th June, 6:45 pm

i'm also toying with the idea of adding features to this blog/journal system since it's supposed to be my tech playground. hmmm.


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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