i'm generally skeptical of new things, but fire php seems pretty nice. stuffing that in headers is a lovely way to debug json ajax responses
i'm generally skeptical of new things, but fire php seems pretty nice. stuffing that in headers is a lovely way to debug json ajax responses
the django debug toolbar is an awesome step in the right direction. good work guys :)
the PHP_Debug bar is kinda neat. very ugly, but packed with useful info
i can never find venkman for ff1.5 when i look for it - thanks trenka!
i can never find venkman for ff1.5 when i look for it - thanks trenka!
just went to the y js debugging class, so some links for you. venkman debugger for ff. fiddler debugging proxy for ie (and ff/win). instant source ie source introspection. visual studio express has a neat ie script debugger.
just went to the y js debugging class, so some links for you. venkman debugger for ff. fiddler debugging proxy for ie (and ff/win). instant source ie source introspection. visual studio express has a neat ie script debugger.
just went to the y js debugging class, so some links for you. venkman debugger for ff. fiddler debugging proxy for ie (and ff/win). instant source ie source introspection. visual studio express has a neat ie script debugger.
winspector is a good replacement for spy++, but i need to read the docs to figure out how to only track window creation from a single process.
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