the best thing about dive in html5 is how great it looks in FF 3.5. and probably other browsers
the best thing about dive in html5 is how great it looks in FF 3.5. and probably other browsers
noah stokes' new "portfolio" is excellent. i'd hire him
the quirksmode page on wrappable zero-width spacing for the web is interesting. seems like we still need to browser detect, but we can use ­ everywhere but FF2, so it's not a tough detection (=~ /Firefox\/2./). I wonder though, does putting the hyphen within (as in ppk's example) a function name cause ambiguity? maybe zero-width space (with wbr tags for old IEs) is a better generic solution. what are other people using?
give up and use tables. 47 minutes seems fair. why have i never seen this before?
and i've also updated lib_filter to handle single quoted attributes.
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