yup, i want to be tyler brûlé when i grow up
yup, i want to be tyler brûlé when i grow up
got an apple tv? then visual hub is what you want for converting torrented programmes. fast and simple
microsoft's upcoming edition of windows for europe is no longer being given a truthful name in fear that consumers wont want it. err right. of course they wont want it - because the whole anti-trust thing is fucking over the users. what good is a version of windows that you can't watch dvds on, or listen to mp3s with. this is basically just ridiculous.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
aws books cheese code covid emoji fonts food games halflife havana ibm lego maps minecraft music php programming reading slack technology tube via-matts wiring
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