the economist's democracy index is kind of fascinating. is there a good discussion for the criteria anywhere? the 2010 document is here and contains lots of good detail
the economist's democracy index is kind of fascinating. is there a good discussion for the criteria anywhere? the 2010 document is here and contains lots of good detail
americans are horribly misinformed about who has money (hint: the rich have nearly all of it)
time to kill some dogs. or a lot of hamsters
i visit this page about once an hour. it really helps
this visualization of relative costs is quite wonderful
alive in joberg was the pre-cursor to the wonderful district 9. watch the former online and then rush to the cinema to see the latter. apart from the cat food bit. that was just gross
these election map visualizations are very nicely done. do you think the color-by-population was done by hand or with some fancy software?
registered to vote in california? then vote no on prop 8 to protect gay marriage
this economist article has a nice graphic showing the alignment of the uk and us political parties. amusing how far apart they are on some issue (such as religion). [via hamster]
christ - i know who i'll be voting for ;)
it's been doing the rounds, but perhaps rightly so - a voting breakdown map of the uk.
some anonymous coward sent me some feedback about the fuck-the-south site.
pretty old, but john stewart on fresh air is good stuff. when did john stewart become the best news caster on american tv?
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