if lolcat didn't require such a recent ruby, i'd alias it to cat on every system i use. genius
if lolcat didn't require such a recent ruby, i'd alias it to cat on every system i use. genius
sometimes, ruby makes me sad
warehouse looks pretty good, but it requires both ruby on rails (easy-ish to install) and the ruby-svn bindings (which are basically a bitch). why do the harder languages to get up and running on the web (ruby and python) require the bindings while the easier languages (php and perl) just shell out and so work easily? gah. currently using websvn in php which does a reasonable job and is trivial to set up.
and wtf - _why has revealed the magic behind the scenes. _why drawing something based on something i caused is the most awesomest thing evar. he's my hero in a total fanboy way
shoes is probably old hat, but looks kinda cool
someone seems angry at tim bray. ruby folks are funny
sam ruby's daughter found my fan site. awesome
cvsspam looks pretty cool. we're currently using a perl-based cvs logger at flickr, which is workign well for us - viewcvs links instead of inline diffs. otherwise the mails would be huge.
phil doesn't believe ruby on rails exists: "Personally I prefer Cobra with the Spoke and Hairnet modules compiled in. But I've heard Gerbera on SouflBAD+9 is even more powerful, particularly if you already have a load of Buckingham code"lying around.
hobbix is new weblog software in ruby. it's site is super-rad - must try the product.
the poignant guide to ruby now has 5 completed chapters (with the sixth slated to come this christmas). it's really really good - both funny and informative.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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