i just finished up my latest wow-related project - insanity tracker. check out how many people have earned 'The Insane', and some stats about it.
i just finished up my latest wow-related project - insanity tracker. check out how many people have earned 'The Insane', and some stats about it.
ohloh has some interesting views of open source projects - the committer sparklines are especially nice. like a much more polished version of a tool we use internally.
pb posted ages ago about getting into graphing with rrdtool. a great primer for the stats inclined.
perenial favorite visitorville have just released a 3d version. most excellent
i'm trying out google analytics on iamcal for a few days to see what the dashboard looks like. looks fairly snazzy.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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