very neat: a record player that plays tree rings
very neat: a record player that plays tree rings
fishy fishy is way better than gucci gucci
the final frontier: bacon roses
the world would be a better place with just a little more high fiving
this investigation into lego nomenclature is excellent. remember having similar issues building something with a friend when young. you know, a "light frame"!
"Basically what Hello Kitty's bones would taste like if you ground them with a pestle and mortar"
the wikipedia/imdb effect is real science, bitches. (see? not my fault!)
these smart car body kits are too awesome for words. apart from the word awesome
wenda and branston are my heroes
the continue time clock is beautiful, though i'm not sure i'd be able to actually figure out the time. pretty though
stop motion lego arcade is awesome
this banner ad is awesome - keep clicking. for ages. do it
tiny art director is great - make sure you start at the bottom
lots of good live-action stop-motion recently. this music video is beautiful
frank lloyd wright lego is more than a little pretentious, but i kinda want it
a candy expo? there is a heaven on earth
matt rosenberg is worried about not being able to judge others so easily in the age of the kindle. i guess i agree
hey jude with 13500 people in trafalger square. oh t-mobile, i kinda love you now
macaroons are my kind of wedding cake
this awesome promo video makes me want to bust out reason right now
a bacon lampshade would probably start to smell at some point (more excellent stuff on the tumblelog too) [via rr]
virtual bacon? not as good as physical bacon, for sure [via rr]
is bacon jumping the shark? maybe [via rr]
hi-res photos of bacon for desktop wallpaper [via rr]
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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