It’s really incredible what’s now possible with pure CSS.

I haven't tried building anything real in it yet, but as a 90s web developer, HTMX really appeals to me

mod_rewrite breakage

If you use mod_rewrite and you've started getting random errors in your logs that look like "rewritten query string contains control characters or spaces", it's because of a security patch that breaks using backrefs as query params if they contain spaces (and certain other special characters). For example:

RewriteRule ^foo/([^/]+)$ foo.php?page=$1 [L,QSA]

This will still work for foo/bar but break for foo/bar%3Abaz. You need to add the B flag as follows:

RewriteRule ^foo/([^/]+)$ foo.php?page=$1 [L,QSA,B]

2022 Reading List

I've updated my 2022 reading list with all the 112 books I read in the year.

Highlights were Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin and A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine.

Some generous soul has re-traced a bunch of the Apple emoji to provide much higher res versions of them for use in presentations.

Mornington Crescent

A convergence of two of my interests: Tuble is a Worlde-style game where you guess Tube Stations.

The first established commercial airline started in 1909, operating zeppelins

UK children's TV show Rainbow has a very memorable theme song, but the original has many verses

AWS Pricing

AWS pro-tip: take a look through cost explorer every now and then, just in case you can reduce your bill by 65%, just by disabling unused services. And switch from Cloudfront to Cloudflare for anything simple that uses a lot of egress bandwidth.

I'm a fan of the cube rule of food classification, if only because the deck is so well done.

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This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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