metropolis ii is an amazing kinetic sculpture (another movie)
metropolis ii is an amazing kinetic sculpture (another movie)
these illustrations of episodes from the recent series of doctor who are great
lego sculpture is like manual minecraft
some excellent notes on drawing expressions
a sculpture that repeatedly auctions itself on ebay. if you win, you own it until it decides to move on again. lovely
i want this clock so bad right now. please start selling them
very nerdy-cool - hidden art found on silicon wafers
edible media is the big new thing if cheese sculptures are anything to go by
i've seen a couple of stop motion painting animations before, but this one is lovely
PIG 05049 tracks all the products made from a single pig
the continue time clock is beautiful, though i'm not sure i'd be able to actually figure out the time. pretty though
carnivore? keep being awesome!
tiny art director is great - make sure you start at the bottom
lots of good live-action stop-motion recently. this music video is beautiful
aww, poor harrison
some wonderfully creative my little pony sculptures. love em
robots and monsters is a nice idea and they look pretty cute [via rr]
the moo mosaic frame is pretty awesome. looks great
lego album covers are pretty awesome
did i ever link to bomomo? i should have, because it's awesome fun
probably not useful in any way, but bomomo is pretty. ish
the context free art language is very neat. did i blog this recently?
i was recently reminded of lord of war - the poster is great
the blik/threadless wall prints are lovely lovely lovely
these wall decorations from the threadless/blik contest are awesome
is this thing edible? i'm not sure, but it's beautiful.
it's been a while since i had wallpaper, but it's getting difficult to resist.
this guide to making rare animals with paper is very fun. with patterns to print out and make. [via sue]
one of google's datacenters now has this nice mural in it - maybe the new flickr datacenter will have something similar (wall of photos, anyone?) [via mattj]
tom points out this amazing eboy london poster for sale. i think i need one.
the somerville gates might not be as large-scale as christo's gates, but they're still worth seeing. via jallspaw
because i don't think e's seen it yet - the ten foot biromash is an amazing piece of work.
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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