Posts tagged library

Github March Wrapup

I've posted a bunch of projects to Github in the last few months and haven't linked to them anywhere, so here's a quick roundup of recently notable projects:

  • [lib_timezones]( - A PHP and JS library to handle user-specified timezones properly, with reasonable client-side auto detection.
  • [lib_classsify]( - A partial PHP port of Github's own [linguist]( which can automatically detect the programming language, given a code fragment.
  • [js-emoji]( - A JavaScript library to allow display of Emoji in then browser for OSs without native support (anything that's not OSX 10.8 or iOS 6)
  • [lib_autolink]( - My old PHP URL-detection and linking library, updated to handle multiple protocols.
  • [lib_solr_query]( - A PHP library to turn user-entered complex search queries into valid SOLR query syntax. Supports phrases, booleans, nesting, assertions and more.

Javelin JS is full of interesting little things - always fun to find out what compormises other teams make to allow their particular development model to scale. The css classes vs sigils part makes a lot of sense.

28th February, 7:17 pm

i've been going back and forth with dominic sayers for the last couple of weeks on RFC-based email validation. we both have php functions (mine, his) that pass a huge (and esoteric) test suite. who says RFCs are dull? (hint: they are)


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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