it was a joke, and there's been plenty of coverage of why it can't really work, but it sure looks pretty
Aug 15th: This is my cam is really nicely done; a profile of each camera you've used on Flickr. Chris has a little write up about how it came to be.
it was a joke, and there's been plenty of coverage of why it can't really work, but it sure looks pretty
web dev gang signs. so easy, so nerdy
nice photo journal of the making of japanese knives. anyone know of a US reseller?
check out daniel burka in his high school ska band. music isnt bad either
the telstar blog has photos from the Emirates A380 demo flight out of sfo. even more photos on flickr
a group of people built a camera rig and sent it 30km upwards, taking photos. the videos are awesome
office snap shots has cataloged photos of the offices of various tech companies. nice
the most insane part of this tshirt is that it has zooomr, but not the large photo sites...
this 1971 panorama of sf taken fro the top of the bay bridge shows alot of detail of the area i now live in - they're still building the trans-america pyramid and the embarcadero has train lines and a stacked freeway [via gino]
want to take 3d images with an slr? sure! [via heathr]
i was reminded of this photo the other day when jones came by the office. utter genius. it does sound like something i'd say
i'm losing my faith in the sanity of users. note-tastic
super happy dev house 4 was awesome - photographic evidence
forget gaming - the psp is mainly a flickr appliance
random images from the flickr-stream: fractal architecture. anyone know where this it?
montage-a-google is a really neat little app for generating a zeitgeist via keywords. but using google? pah!
jbum/krazydad is doing some very cool things with flickr - A Thousand and One Sunsets
it's great having esther as in investor - she can take great photos :)
smugmug's article about printing color photos, color spaces and icc profiles is very interesting stuff.
hanni found this excellent photo. great colors.
am idea from tom, so i shouldn't take any credit - londonbloggers now has flickr photos for each station.
the upside to peer1 is that it's on the 21st floor in downtown vancouver and has an awesome view. the downside? well, we'll get to that in due course.
flickrwatch: i am not a nugget
lovely photoset on flickr - robots demand the right to vote in edmonton
eric's daughter phoebe is a genius
jen's just got an eos 10d - they seem to be all the rage suddenly (3 recommendations in 2 days). it's highly tempting.
at $1300US i'm very very tempted to get an eos 10d rather than waiting for the sucessor to the 1ds. hmmm, purchase time?
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
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