if lolcat didn't require such a recent ruby, i'd alias it to cat on every system i use. genius
Jan 11th: The paper behind mixbox is really interesting reading - pigment mixing is hard to simulate in computers and previous techniques don't mimic how paints actually behave.
Jun 25th: As a color blind human, this New Republic article on color perception is pretty interesting. The book is probably worth a read.
if lolcat didn't require such a recent ruby, i'd alias it to cat on every system i use. genius
color profiles are coming in ff3. the march towards betterness continues
a nice little toy - generate a color palette from an image [via dvp]
the corporate identity catalogue is just too cool
phil posted a really interesting visualization of corporate logo colors to flickr
aaron dug up a link to sim-daltonism for osx. it's based on colorlab which i'd seen some time ago (years?) but is still fairly useful. i need to take the time to dig in the source and find out whether they're using a matrix, fixed data set or some formulae.
smugmug's article about printing color photos, color spaces and icc profiles is very interesting stuff.
this rather snazzy color wheel stole my colorblind data values and tried to hide it. when i would have happily supplied them anyway. idiots.
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