Posts tagged firefox

17th November, 11:07 pm

i'm generally skeptical of new things, but fire php seems pretty nice. stuffing that in headers is a lovely way to debug json ajax responses

21st October, 11:30 am

this video demo of open type features in firefox is so hot. so hot

20th May, 9:21 pm

how is jetpack different from greasemonkey? i mean, besides being controlled by mozilla...

11th May, 6:53 pm

finally figured out what was screwing up XML display in firefox. identify, i love you, but prepare to die

27th October, 12:31 pm

fennec looks pretty cool. is there an emulator i can try it on?

8th July, 6:34 pm

woo - a firefox addon/css combo that shows favicons in the bookmark bar

25th January, 3:19 pm

breadcrumbs sounds pretty cool - has anyone tried it out? [via aaron]

4th January, 12:33 pm

page saver for ff 1.5 looks very very cool. like paparazzi for osx only works on windows and is built right into the browser. does visible-portion captures too.

13th December, 2:30 pm

tamperdata look like a nice extension for testing xss holes

17th November, 1:44 pm

just went to the y js debugging class, so some links for you. venkman debugger for ff. fiddler debugging proxy for ie (and ff/win). instant source ie source introspection. visual studio express has a neat ie script debugger.

8th November, 11:38 pm

ietab is utter utter genius. it allows you to use IE in certain tabs within firefox, and easily switch between the two. TOO COOL.

3rd November, 5:19 pm

the moz team are talking about tags. it all sounds familiar

27th October, 1:19 pm

an 'expose' for firefox tabs plugin (ff 1.5 only) is pretty cool (via aaron). just hit f8 once installed.

22nd October, 1:43 pm

forget flock - get flocq

31st May, 7:22 pm

eric pointed me toward trixie, which implements greasemonkey functionality for IE. very very cool.

30th March, 8:04 am

yoz linked to a good resource for anyone thinking of developing moz extensions - worth checking out.

11th March, 2:56 pm

it didn't take too long - aaron points out the first google maps-based app. firefox only (gah) but still fun. and vancouver-centric.

3rd March, 5:55 pm

the html validator plugin for firefox is neato. saves uploading your work and tkaing trip to the validator pages.

7th February, 11:44 pm

a nasty four year old bug in firefox is stopping some large corps from using it. ouch! sort out your priorities guys.


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

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