Posts tagged google
Nov 23rd: If you spend a large portion of your time in Google sheets, this quick primer on adding data labels will save you a ton of time in photoshop.
I'm closing out some 2014 tabs, so have a few useful links.
Want to make a game, but don't know how to get started? is a great step-by-step resource.
Using Google Apps-for-business and group mail is bouncing? Follow these instructions to switch to "proper" groups.
Think you can recognize your developers from their commit messages? git-game turns it into a neat game where you try to figure out whose entire message was just "fuck" the most often.
Want a machine that make tortillas at the press of a button? I DO. flatev is the answer.
Feb 2nd: Chrome continue to get better and better. Ilya Grigorik explains some of the optimizations going on under the hood in this chapter from an upcoming performance book. If you work on the web, it's a fascinating read.
the new 'like' feature in google reader is nice for feed generators - i'm now pulling the data back out of reader and storing it in my weblog cms, so i can highlight which posts people have 'liked'. i'm only showing it for myself right now, but still pretty awesome
ignoring the background sound (god yes!), what do you think is more complicated than google wave?
some really nice 3D city maps from norway. having that detail and the coverage of google maps would be great
everything was better in the past. you know, apart from the fact it was shit. i want to poke out their stupid elitist eyes
i'm trying out busymac to sync my google calendar to ical so that it gets into mobileme and hence onto my iphone. first few steps seem to have worked - now have to wait for mobileme to sync to the phone to see if it all works. that would be nice [update: it works! at least from gcal to iphone]
via myles: a partial listing of the about: pages in google chrome
looks like google auth is coming real soon
this is a pretty interesting google presentation. still watching it, so not sure how much it gives away.
i'm trying out google analytics on iamcal for a few days to see what the dashboard looks like. looks fairly snazzy.
the peronalized version of the google homepage is really fucking ugly. got redirected there visiting the frontpage this morning. maybe there's some trial going on.
salty pointed me to the library that underlies the flash nyc subway map. looks pretty cool. would be better if you could somehow pass mouse events through to the browser. can't you send data in that direction from flash?
this guide to embedding google maps in your opwn pages is great. well written and containing everything i wanted to know.
this is fucking awesome - a GPS linkup for google maps that follows the map as you move. fuck yeah
one of google's datacenters now has this nice mural in it - maybe the new flickr datacenter will have something similar (wall of photos, anyone?) [via mattj]
google maps now includes the uk. although the entry url is different, it's the same app. you can scroll left to find america. no satellite photos yet, beyond the whole country. hope they get those online soon.
george found this awesome app, which uses craigslist and google maps to produces an interactive map of apartments for rent. really fucking amazing. web services rule.
google maps was probably the best thing ever done on the internet - but now they've made it twice as good. fuuuuuck
gmail goes to infinite storage. but once april 1st is over, they'll be back to 2GB.
montage-a-google is a really neat little app for generating a zeitgeist via keywords. but using google? pah!
it didn't take too long - aaron points out the first google maps-based app. firefox only (gah) but still fun. and vancouver-centric.
the googlemini seems pretty damn cool. i want one, if just for the case.
aaron points out the investigation i would have done had i had the time - google maps would take about 8-11TB to store north america are pre-rendered GIFs. looks like it probably is all pre-pendered. but that's alot of gifs :)
the newly launched google maps is probably the best dhtml app ever. stunning.
kal points out google for buffy fans.
leonard's been working on the google labs problem - i shall have to read this more thourghly tomorrow.