from the parrot mailing list regarding the stripping of .t file attachments: "This was changed on perl5-porters a few weeks ago, and since then I don't recall seeming a marked increase in troff spam". genius
from the parrot mailing list regarding the stripping of .t file attachments: "This was changed on perl5-porters a few weeks ago, and since then I don't recall seeming a marked increase in troff spam". genius
excellent news - nick clark has started work on ponie again, and there's a detailed roadmap
an excellent slide from autrijus' perl 6 talk at yapc::taipei. i'm going to keep that one in mind for future presentations.
autrijus is implementing a featherweight perl6 in haskell. it's on cpan. i'm overly excited.
sam ruby wonders about the implementation of classes in parrot - specifically how to provide a system which can provide both perl and python class semanics, which are wildly different.
matt diephouse and joshua gatcomb have put together an automated benchmark suite for parrot, which is nice to track alongside trunk development.
pdd7 contains parrot's coding standards. this document alone seems to be larger than most oss projects. a very detailed basis to start coding on. (though i wonder how closely the actual source follows the conventions).
cardinal is a parrot runtime for ruby. it's going to be a close call as to which dyn-language (ruby, python, php) makes it to a parrot-based beta first.
unununium looks like a nice os project. one of the authors is working on adding parrot support. a parrot os would be cool.
Inline::Parrot is now in CPAN. i suspect i'll be installing that later today.
a nice faq answer about portable single character io. in a nutshell: no. of course, parrot will solve this for us by making everything seem portable.
Inline::Parrot looks like fun. not on cpan yet, but probably will be soon i expect.
a french compsci teacher is using parrot on their vm course.
steve fink is documenting his quest to write a regexp compiler in parrot. the three days logged so far make for interesting reading.
span looks to be the first fully featured language built on the parrot vm, and so marks a big milestone in parrot's evolution. leo's python work is coming along too, with an AST generator posted this weekend. parrot is getting closer to the elusive 1.0
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