text captchas make a lot of sense - i've been using similar spam prevention questions for some time and it's much easier for humans than the word art monstrosities
text captchas make a lot of sense - i've been using similar spam prevention questions for some time and it's much easier for humans than the word art monstrosities
i've just gotten my first piece of audioscrobbler spam (i imagine i'm well behind the curve on this one). somebody suggested i listen to avec-a. anyone heard of them?
best spam subject line ever? "MY AUNTY IS SO HORNY". i suspect so
how many ways can you spell viagra? millions it would seem.
the best autoreply i've received to date:
It's likely that your email has reached me in error because you are simply not bright enough to type an email address properly. Kindly double-check the address of the person to whom you were trying to send your email now, and regret your shortcomings.
The technological revolution has left you in the dust. I mean, how hard is it, really, to type an email address in the "To" field of your gui email client? You are daft. You should probably just commit seppuku and do the rest of the world a favor.
If you are emailing the tourism agency for Dekalb, Alabama, you should send an email to pattyt, not patty.
Otherwise, you are either a simpering fool or a spammer, and in either case there are few things I would enjoy more than watching you catch on fire and run around screaming. You are a waste of carbon, and I don't like you.
Have a pleasant day.
spam of the day: "For example, corporation of cyprus mulch indicates that widow of cook cheese grits for avocado pit around paper napkin.When vacuum cleaner near starlet is varigated, swamp of operate a small fruit stand with support group living with stalactite.tape recorder behind hydrogen atom approach hand living with, and graduated cylinder living with labyrinth throw at vacuum cleaner about buzzard.". err, right then.
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