fishy fishy is way better than gucci gucci
fishy fishy is way better than gucci gucci
if you've seen the trailer for the facebook movie, this will make a lot more sense: the youtube version
east anglian boy was excellent, but newport state of mind is probably the best
pixels is amazing. watch it now. now!
ok, this might just be the best advert ever made
dancing storm troopers are the pinnacle of our culture. i support this
if a music video has ever been about my life, this is it. err, maybe
a handy guide to starting your own cult
coder girl is my new favorite song
if you ignore the random 6 seconds of crap at the beginning, i love this video. <3 beyonce & justin
in b flat is pretty awesome (if your browser can handle it)
this is a little bit bizarre/awesome. watch from the start to around 1:01
so this is pretty awesome - an agency website done entierely in linked youtube videos. very very nice
awww. keepon dancing to another spoon track
This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.
I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.
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