Posts tagged animation

8th April, 9:55 am

pixels is amazing. watch it now. now!

8th March, 12:51 pm

a really nice lego stop motion. i want to make something like this

27th February, 11:49 pm

logorama is amazing. watch it now. all the way through [via cb]

7th December, 3:59 pm

unicorn vs. narwhal

28th September, 12:13 pm

i've seen a couple of stop motion painting animations before, but this one is lovely

27th July, 1:58 pm

this interactive music video is wonderful. takes a while to load, and isn't obvious what's going on (percentage at the center bottom on light type)

16th June, 10:02 am

three frames is wonderful, if you can get past the epilepsy

29th April, 4:30 pm

praxinoscopes are awesome. be sure to watch the 'making of' video, which explains it all

27th January, 10:55 am

the pleix films are beautiful [via george]

13th June, 11:56 am

lea points out this lovely film, 'le-building'. beautiful style.

2nd May, 5:12 pm

everyone's seen the dancing citroen ad (google for it if you haven't), but [this parody]( ) from b3ta is much better.

24th February, 5:23 pm

a scanner darkly is being made into a film. the trailer looks very promising.

16th February, 2:59 pm

jojo in the stars looks really good. where does lea find all this great animation?


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

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