want. a thing of such beauty
Aug 4th: Tile seems like an interesting device - low power bluetooth tags for stuff you might misplace. Pretty cheap, works for a year, "find" things via iOS.
want. a thing of such beauty
tempted by this bamboo keyboard and mouse. amazon suggestions are just too accurate.
it's important to defraggle your motherdisc regularly
i find it hard to believe that the open office mouse is for real. seriously?
very nerdy-cool - hidden art found on silicon wafers
interesting demo video of hardware trojans added to ICs
littlebits look really great - much more accessible than the arduino type stuff, and a better scale than the big white blocks (anyone remember what they're called?). can't wait for them to retail!
i want this now. is the receiver small enough to fit in an iphone? [via bogan]
this little iphone charger is pretty cool. thinking about getting one
did i ever link to the new flip mino? it looks pretty awesome
ok, i want one of these in my air [via wafer]
for people with flips, some nice accessories
a nice visual evolution of apple products [via bogan]
the xbox 360 laptop is utter genius [via chubb]
get ahead of the curve with the 200gb ipod nano mod. thanks to matts
i'm not sure where salty find this stuff, but prepare yourself for mac os classic on a psp. a 4 hour boot cycle. nice
salty points out a good apple history articles site.
the nano appears to be more or less indestructible. thanks aaorn
this birth of the lisa article makes for very interesting reading. a similar 'birth of the macintosh' would be nice
ars technica took apart one of the new mighty mice and had a poke around. interesting stuff. mine's in the mail somewhere.
new toys :)
neil matheson found the solution to my stylus woes - replacement retractable styluses for the p900. i've ordered one and will report back on it's effectiveness.
coates is a mad unstoppable genius.someone needs to give him a bunch of money and a room without windows to make this stuff.
webb's post about the accelerometer in the new powerbook is great. i so need one of these.
shuffleart, via the coatesweb, looks pretty fun. shuffles are still on 2 week order from the local apple store.
the googlemini seems pretty damn cool. i want one, if just for the case.
it was really only a question of time before someone tried it - ipod shuffles in a raid configuration
the VPM looks very cool - a completely portable os and apps which you can stick on your usb drive and carry around with you.
so apparently all my counterstrike: condition zero practice wouldn't necessacarily mean i could do it in real life. yeah, riiight, hehehe. (i realise this story is from two years ago - just clearing out my bookmarks).
a soldering iron that heats to 800 degress F in under a second. and cools down to touching temp in another couple of seconds. makes me long for my hardware days
until now i wouldn't have considered spending $6000 on a monitor. this has changed my mind. 9.2 mega pixels. 22.2" screen with a resolution of 3840x2400. wow. i'm salivating.
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