Posts tagged parody

31st August, 6:11 pm

chess just isn't as good as wc2

5th August, 2:09 pm

if you've seen the trailer for the facebook movie, this will make a lot more sense: the youtube version

5th December, 9:50 pm

excellent amazon review of some milk [via bain]

14th August, 5:27 pm

the future is a mere 498 years away. i can't wait

18th September, 8:52 am

amanda as princess leia is somehow even cuter. ouch

12th September, 2:54 pm

did i ever link to the macbook air / girl talk mashup ad? no? well, i should have

4th April, 4:47 pm

brett graham is my new hero: brett corp, bringing solutions to people who need them when they need them on the day they needed them, after they've hired me.

27th June, 2:20 pm

"Try to move the camera after u focus" - excellent [via kellan]

7th April, 11:24 am

kittenauth is an excellent idea - yahoo should replace their CAPTCHA system with this immediately [via aaron]

12th January, 12:40 pm

she keeps all her ports open like windows ME, there's so much drama in the PhD. [via leonard via gordon]

9th December, 3:30 pm

sam ruby's daughter found my fan site. awesome

14th November, 1:01 pm

dug up from the depths of the Internet by the iamcal collective: joel's dating slides. i wish i'd though of that

10th October, 9:31 am

get ahead of the curve with the 200gb ipod nano mod. thanks to matts

6th September, 12:38 pm

a little bit long, but worth spending the time. lea points out how to be emo

26th May, 1:10 pm

from the awful-but-great category - an organic-food starwars spoof. as with the real starwars, i find myself siding with the dark side.

14th May, 5:22 pm

Acme::JavaTrace might actually be a useful acme perl module. oops

2nd May, 5:12 pm

everyone's seen the dancing citroen ad (google for it if you haven't), but [this parody]( ) from b3ta is much better.

28th April, 12:40 am

this flash animation goes on forever (20 minutes and still going), but is a fantastic final fantasy 6 pastiche on the browser wars (featuring psp as the evil super villan). via p-a [update - 40 minutes!]

25th April, 12:28 am

jeff rowland is dead, after an epic gun battle with death himself. rip jeff, we will miss you.

4th April, 7:15 pm

this weblog will soon be running on immovable object. embrace the future and join today!

3rd April, 11:18 pm

i was looking for the lego version of 2001 from awhile back, but came across this version which is both a 2001 parody in lego, and a commentary on the evolution of lego itself.


This is the personal website of Cal Henderson, Slack co-founder & CTO.

I give occasional talks, write code and sometimes articles.

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